The Case for Vitamin D
I regularly request blood tests for clients that I suspect may have low levels of vitamin D. More often than not the test results come...

Oxidative Stress Nutritional Test
Oxidative Stress Analysis is a nutritional test used to assess your bodies oxidative stress level. The typical human metabolism produces...

Fish Protein Could Help Prevent Parkinson's, Says Swedish Study
Although it is a known fact that Fish Oils do contribute to better health, a Swedish study wanted to investigate a possible link between...

Are Probiotics The Future In Maintaining Good Bone Health?
The use of probiotics in maintaining good bone health is a real possibility for the future after researchers point to their use in...

Maternal Diet Rich In Omega-3 Shown To Be Linked To Higher IQ Scores In Children
The benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids were highlighted in a Norwegian study that demonstrates the positive effect a maternal diet rich in...

Vegetarian Diet Proven To Be Better For Heart Health
The science is clear: a vegetarian diet is better for heart health, a study says – but does that include processed meat alternatives?...

Study Finds Link Between Omega-3 And Lowered Aggression Levels
The potential of Omega-3 supplements to calm aggressive behaviour in children may also reduce the psychological aggression among parents...

An Evening of Health and Wellbeing
An informative evening with talks and demonstrations about good health and nutrition

Take part in our survey
Receive free samples and a free copy of our blood sugar balance meal planner. During April we will be carrying out a survey on food...

What’s the best way to beat those sugar cravings?
Clients often ask me why they simply can’t resist sugar. It’s really frustrating for many people that they fail to achieve their weight...